32 Ways To Create New Leads For Your Business

If you’re looking to build your business, it’s important to focus on generating leads. Without leads, you won’t have any customers and a business without customers isn’t going anywhere. So how do you get those leads? Here are 32 ways that can help generate new leads for your business:

Have a social media presence.

Social media is a great way to get your business noticed. It’s also a great way to connect with customers, build your brand and reputation, promote your products and services, communicate with your customers in real-time…and the list goes on!

If you don’t have social media accounts for your business yet (or if they’re not active), get started today by creating an account on Facebook or Twitter. Once these are set up, start engaging: sharing content that’s relevant to your industry/niche/industry (like blog posts), commenting on posts from other businesses in similar fields as yours so that people can see what kind of person runs this page (i.e., someone interested in learning more about their field), replying directly when someone comments on one of your own posts–these types of things will help increase engagement levels across all networks where there may be potential leads lurking around waiting for someone like yourself who has answers!

Be active on business forums.

If you want to create new leads for your business, then it’s time to get active on business forums. These websites are a great way to network with other business owners and share knowledge and expertise with … Read the rest >>>

Accelerated Marketing Growth By Knowing What To Promote

A promotional strategy should be a part of your marketing plan. As you develop your promotional strategy, keep in mind that it should reflect the needs and wants of your customers (and potential customers).

Promotion should be a part of your marketing plan.

Promotion is a part of every marketing plan.

If you don’t know what to promote, then you won’t be able to spend money on it.

Promotion is not the same as advertising. Promotion consists of activities that raise awareness of your product or service in order to increase sales and build brand loyalty from consumers who are already familiar with your business. Promotion can take many forms: public relations, social media campaigns (like Facebook ads), trade show booths at conferences where attendees gather information about various companies’ products/services prior to making a purchase decision, etcetera.

Know your audience and market.

The first step in the process of accelerated marketing growth is knowing your audience and market.

Knowing your audience will help you understand what they want, need, and are doing at any given moment. This information can be used to create content that appeals directly to their needs and interests. It will also allow you to reach them in a way that makes sense for their preferences or habits–for example, if someone prefers email over social media then sending them an email might be more effective than posting on Facebook or Twitter (and vice versa).

Knowing your market means understanding how each piece of content fits into … Read the rest >>>

Top 10 Social Media Marketing Sources

All marketers need to be on social media, but it can be tough to know where to start. In this post, I’ll cover the top ten social media marketing sources you should use as a marketer in 2019.


Facebook is the most popular social media platform in the world. It has over 2 billion monthly active users and it’s used by businesses to interact with customers, build brand awareness and drive sales.

Facebook offers several ways to use their platform for marketing purposes:

  • Create a Page for Your Business – You can create a Facebook page for your business or organization by going to https://www.facebook.com/pages/. When you create an account through this link, you’ll be prompted to enter some basic information about your business including its name, address and phone number (if applicable). After setting up your account as described above, go back into Settings -> Basic and update any information that may have changed since setting up your profile (e.g., email address). Once everything looks good on both pages within Settings -> Basic Info & Privacy Settings make sure that everyone who works at this location has access


Twitter is a social network, microblogging platform and real-time information platform that allows users to post short messages called tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. You can also include photos, videos or links in your tweets.

Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey and launched on March 21st 2006 as an SMS service before … Read the rest >>>